Tree trimming falls under “spring cleaning” for a lot of homeowners as the weather starts to turn nice in the spring. Rake up any remaining leaves, remove dead plants/flowers, trim up some trees that might appear overgrown, etc. That last one, however, is much trickier and involved than one might think. While tempting to think you can just do it yourself, because “how hard can it be,” right? Well, there are a lot of errors that can be made that can not only harm the tree but potentially put yourself in danger. Here are some common mistakes made when trimming your own trees:
This sounds obvious, but should be mentioned first. Tree pruning and trimming is difficult and dangerous, and while some things are clear (don’t sit on the big limb you’re cutting off, don’t rush to get the tree trimmed to try and beat a big storm coming in), there are other things that are not as clear but are just as important. This is why there is a certification for arborists – they are required to keep up to date with safety measures, in addition to knowing how to properly do the job (more on that later.) Far fewer accidents happen when the job is left to the professionals.
Poor Cutting
Did you know that cutting back a dead branch too close to the tree’s trunk can significantly damage the tree? Or if you don’t cut enough that it will not only look uneven but can invite disease, pests, and fungus? How about how much to prune? A lot of homeowners frequently will trim a lot more than is needed, which can also damage the tree. Also, are your tools sharp enough to properly do the job? We all know Abraham Lincoln was famous for saying that if he had eight hours to cut down a tree, he’d spend the first six sharpening the ax, and when you’ve tried to cut anything with a dull blade, it’s certainly understandable.
Certified arborists know how to properly cut branches and limbs, as well as how much so that your tree will remain healthy. Their skills are as sharp as the tools they use, and they’ll get the job done with themselves and you staying safe. Have trees that need trimmed? Reach out today!